(at Grand Canyon, Arizona, US)

Xikai Meng   孟西恺

I'm currently a senior student in the School of Physics at Harbin Institute of Technology.

Job Interest: C++ developer/Backend/Software Developer Engineer

Research Interest: LLM, AI4Science, Perception Algorithm


GitHub (NoahM)



Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (Sep 2020 - Jul 2024)

B.S. in Applied Physics(minor in Information Engineering)
  • Overall GPA: 3.4/4.0 (top 30%)
  • Prize of the Mathematical Contest In Modeling
  • Golden Medal in Tsinghua X-institute AI Summercamp Competition(1/24 for all groups)
  • People's Scholarship (11/71 for all department students)
  • Related Courses: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Architecture

UCSD, San Diego, US (Sep. 2022 - Mar. 2023)

Exchange Student in Computer Science & Engineering
  • Related Courses:
    CSE12 Data Structure & OOD(A), CSE120: Operating System, CSE151: Deep Learning, CSE123: Computer Networks,
  • Other Courses:
    PHYS140:Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics PHYS161:General Relativity and Black Holes(A) PHIL:The Meaning of Life
  • Exchange life[pdf]

Professional Experience

Baichuan AI , Beijing, China(Sep. 2023 -- NOW)

AI Infra Intern in LLM Team
  • Related Skills: Pytorch、C++、CUDA etc., Related Frameworks:vLLM, TGI, etc.

Computer Science Learning

Research Experience

Tsinghua University Summercamp(Shenzhen), Shenzhen, China (Aug. 2020 - Apr. 2022)

Research Assitant in Artificial Intelligence Track
  • Supervisor: Prof. Wen Gao, Hao Wu, Zihan Wang
  • Y. Li, S. Yuan, X. Meng, Y. Wang, J. Li, "Security Research of Intelligent Image Recognition System," presented at the Tsinghua Summer Conference on Communications and Networking , 2021. link:
